- getBlockColour() - Function in interface Layer
Find the colour of this block layer.
- getCarouselSelectionIndex() - Function in interface Layer
Find the current selection index of this carousel layer.
- getCurrentPlaylistInfo() - Function in interface SignStixStats
Find information about the currently playing playlist which might be through the manifest or assigned remotely from JSApi.
- getCurrentSignInfo() - Function in interface SignStixStats
Find information about the currently playing sign.
- getDefaultPlaylistInfo() - Function in interface SignStixStats
Find information about the default playing playlist which we received through the manifest.
- getDescription() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the device description set in Director.
- getDeviceId() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the human-readable form of the device's ID.
- getDevicesInfo() - Function in interface SignStixSerial
Find information about the USB devices currently connected to the Player.
- getFileRef(String, String) - Function in interface SignStixFiles
Create a reference to a specific file in the folder (if any) associated with the Web View.
- getFilesMatching(String, String, boolean) - Function in interface SignStixFiles
Find the contents of the argument folder as a String formatted as a JSON array of objects.
- getFileUrl(String, String) - Function in interface SignStixFiles
Generates a local URL for a specified file within a folder, served through a local server.
- getFontColour() - Function in interface Layer
Find the font colour of this text layer.
- getFontFace() - Function in interface Layer
Find the font face name of this text layer.
- getFontSize() - Function in interface Layer
Find the font size of this text layer.
- getFontWeight() - Function in interface Layer
Find the weight of this text layer.
- getHeight() - Function in interface Layer
Find the Height of this layer within the sign.
- getId() - Function in interface Layer
Find the ID of this layer.
- getIpAddress() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the device's IP address.
- getItemNames() - Function in interface SignStixItem
Generate a JSON-formatted string containing all the item names that will be available during
'Item Mode'.
- getJsonFromCsvFile(String, int, int, String) - Function in interface SignStixFiles
Read the contents of the referenced CSV file and convert it to a JSON string.
- getLastVideoInfo() - Function in interface SignStixStats
Find information about the last video played.
- getLayerAt(int) - Function in interface SignStixGraphics
Find the layer at the argument index.
- getLayerContaining(String) - Function in interface SignStixGraphics
Find the first layer in the sign which has a name containing the argument
partial name.
- getLayerCount() - Function in interface SignStixGraphics
Find the number of layers in the current sign.
- getLayerNamed(String) - Function in interface SignStixGraphics
Find the layer in the currently playing sign that has the argument name.
- getLeft() - Function in interface Layer
Find the basic left coordinate of this layer within the sign.
- getLocation() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the full path of the location that this device lives in.
- getMapping() - Function in interface SignStixItem
Generate a JSON-formatted string containing all the mappings from tags to item names.
- getName() - Function in interface Layer
Find the name of this layer, if any.
- getNumCarouselImages() - Function in interface Layer
Find the number of images in this carousel layer's image list.
- getNumTagsReadRecently(long) - Function in interface SignStixRfid
Find the number of tags that have recently (within the specified period) been
read by a pad.
- getPadsInfo() - Function in interface SignStixRfid
Return information about all the RFID pads that have been detected and permission granted.
- getSiteName() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the name of the site that this device lives in.
- getString(String, String) - Function in interface SignStixStore
Attempt to extract (from the argument dictionary) the string value
associated with the argument key.
- getSyncFunction() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the device's synchronisation Function.
- getSyncTag() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the device's synchronisation tag.
- getTagsInfo() - Function in interface SignStixRfid
Return information about all the tags that have been detected during the current session.
- getTargetSignId(String) - Function in interface SignStixLift
Find the ID of the sign associated with the argument item name.
- getText() - Function in interface Layer
Find the current text in this text layer.
- getTextFromFile(String, String) - Function in interface SignStixFiles
Read the contents of the referenced file and convert it to text using the argument
- getTop() - Function in interface Layer
Find the basic top coordinate of this layer within the sign.
- getVideosByKeywordFromDefaultPlaylist(String) - Function in interface SignStixStats
Retrieves videos from the default playlist that match a given keyword.
- getVideosWithoutKeywordFromDefaultPlaylist(String) - Function in interface SignStixStats
Retrieves videos from the default playlist that do not match the given keyword.
- getWallTime() - Function in interface SignStixStats
Retrieves video wall time
- getWidth() - Function in interface Layer
Find the Width of this layer within the sign.
- getZoneName() - Function in interface SignStixConfig
Find the name of the zone that this device lives in.
- notifyOnCarouselSelection(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a carousel has had a specific image selected.
- notifyOnCustomCommand(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a custom command is received from
an external source.
- notifyOnLayerTouched(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a layer is touched and
activated i.e.
- notifyOnPlaylistEnd(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a playlist ends.
- notifyOnPlaylistStart(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a playlist starts.
- notifyOnSignAppeared(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a newly-started sign actually
appears on the screen.
- notifyOnSignDisappearing(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a sign which had previously
appeared on the screen is just about to disappear from the screen.
- notifyOnSignEnd(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a sign iteration ends.
- notifyOnSignStart(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a sign iteration starts.
- notifyOnTextInput(String, String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when text input is received from an
external source, such as a keyboard or barcode scanner.
- notifyOnTimeout(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when the sign's interactivity
timeout (if any) has been triggered.
- notifyOnVideoEnd(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a video ends.
- notifyOnVideoStart(String) - Function in interface SignStixNotify
Set the Javascript function to be called when a video starts.
- screenshot() - Function in interface SignStixDevice
Request a screenshot, it will be visible in Director device page
- seekVideo(String, long) - Function in interface SignStixEngine
Seek the given index video to the given time in milli seconds
- setBlockColour(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the colour of this block layer to be the argument.
- setCarouselSelectionIndex(int) - Function in interface Layer
Attempt to set the selection index of this carousel layer, which may cause images to
- setFontColour(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the font colour of this text layer to be the argument.
- setFontFace(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the font face of this text layer to be the argument.
- setFontSize(int) - Function in interface Layer
Set the font size of this text layer to be the argument.
- setFontWeight(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the weight of this text layer to be the argument.
- setHeight(int) - Function in interface Layer
Set the Height of this layer within the sign.
- setImageFromFile(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the image source of this image layer to be a specific file in the associated
folder structure.
- setImageFromLayerNamed(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the image source of this image layer to be the same as that of the
argument image layer.
- setImageFromUrl(String, boolean, String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the image source of this layer to be the image file available at the
argument URL.
- setInteractionOccurred() - Function in interface SignStixEngine
Inform the engine that some user interaction has occurred.
- setInteractive(boolean) - Function in interface Layer
Set the interactive state of a web view.
- setItemName(String, String) - Function in interface SignStixItem
Set in the database the item name that corresponds to the argument tag ID.
- setLeft(int) - Function in interface Layer
Set the basic left coordinate of this layer within the sign.
- setPlaylistFromVideoFile(String) - Function in interface SignStixEngine
Replace the video playlist associated with the current sign with a new playlist containing
the argument video file only.
- setPlaylistFromVideoFiles(String) - Function in interface SignStixEngine
Replace the video playlist associated with the current sign with a new playlist containing
the argument video files from the actual playlist or the video ID from associated folder.
- setSelected(boolean) - Function in interface Layer
Set the selected state of this image layer.
- setSensitivity(int, int) - Function in interface SignStixRfid
Set the sensitivity regarding the point at which an 'added' or 'removed' event is triggered.
- setString(String, String, String) - Function in interface SignStixStore
Attempt to set (in the argument dictionary) the string value associated
with the argument key.
- setTagReadMode(String) - Function in interface SignStixRfid
Set the tag read-mode.
- setTargetSignId(String, String) - Function in interface SignStixLift
Set the ID of the sign that the player will jump to when the argument item name is selected
(by lifting/placing a corresponding tag).
- setText(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the text on this layer.
- setTextFromLayerNamed(String) - Function in interface Layer
Set the text on this text layer to be the same as that of the argument text
- setTop(int) - Function in interface Layer
Set the basic top coordinate of this layer within the sign.
- setType(String) - Function in interface SignStixLift
Set the type of experience.
- setVisible(boolean) - Function in interface Layer
Set the visibility of the layer.
- setWidth(int) - Function in interface Layer
Set the Width of this layer within the sign.
- SignStixConfig - Interface in config.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface with functions for querying the device's
- SignStixDebug - Interface in basic.diagnostics.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for sending developer information to the
SignStix diagnostics, where they can be viewed directly within the Player, or
from SignStix Director.
- SignStixDevice - Interface in basic.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for device level actions i.e.
- SignStixEngine - Interface in player.engine.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface with functions for controlling the play
- SignStixFiles - Interface in downloading.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for processing downloaded files e.g.
- SignStixGraphics - Interface in signage.elements.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface with functions for querying and modifying
graphics layers while a sign is playing.
- SignStixItem - Interface in data.tags.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for accessing the player's item database.
- SignStixLift - Interface in basic.serial.javascript.rfid.lift
Javascript-to-Player interface for implementing a 'Lift and Learn' experience
using one or more SignStix RFID pads connected to the Player via USB.
- SignStixNetwork - Interface in basic.networks.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface with functions for making calls over the network.
- SignStixNotify - Interface in signage.elements.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for registering Javascript functions to be
called when certain things happen e.g.
- SignStixRfid - Interface in basic.serial.javascript.rfid
Javascript-to-Player interface for communicating with RFID devices
connected to the Player via USB.
- SignStixSerial - Interface in basic.serial.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for communicating with serial devices
connected to the Player via USB.
- SignStixStats - Interface in player.stats.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for querying playback statistics.
- SignStixStore - Interface in signactivity.panels.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for storing data persistently over the
lifetime of the player instance.
- startItemMode() - Function in interface SignStixItem
Launch 'Item Mode'.
- startReading(int, String) - Function in interface SignStixSerial
Start reading data from the argument connection.
- stopReading(int) - Function in interface SignStixSerial
Stop reading from the argument connection.
- takeFaces(String) - Function in interface SignStixGraphics
Attempt to take a photo and extract the faces from it using a camera connected to the Player.
- takeFacesAdvanced(String, float, float) - Function in interface SignStixGraphics
Attempt to take a photo and extract the faces from it using a camera connected to the Player.
- takePhoto(String) - Function in interface SignStixGraphics
Attempt to take a photo using a camera connected to the Player.
- basic.diagnostics.javascript - package basic.diagnostics.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for sending messages from Javascript to the
SignStix diagnostics.
- basic.javascript - package basic.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for sending messages from Javascript to the
SignStix reboot, restart, screenshots and other device level actions.
- basic.networks.javascript - package basic.networks.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for accessing content over the internet and discovering
other Players on the local network.
- basic.serial.javascript - package basic.serial.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for providing access to serial devices
connected via USB.
- basic.serial.javascript.rfid - package basic.serial.javascript.rfid
Javascript-to-Player interface for providing access to SignStix RFID pads
connected via USB.
- basic.serial.javascript.rfid.lift - package basic.serial.javascript.rfid.lift
Javascript-to-Player interface for setting up lift-and-learn experiences using
SignStix RFID pads connected via USB.
- config.javascript - package config.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for accessing configuration settings.
- data.tags.javascript - package data.tags.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for providing access to the Player's persistent tag database.
- downloading.javascript - package downloading.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for accessing files living in a folder that has been associated
with a Web View and downloaded to the Player as part of its content.
- player.engine.javascript - package player.engine.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for controlling the play engine.
- player.stats.javascript - package player.stats.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for querying playback statistics.
- signactivity.panels.javascript - package signactivity.panels.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for storing key/value pairs across multiple
Web Views.
- signage.elements.javascript - package signage.elements.javascript
Javascript-to-Player interface for modifying layers dynamically.